New Acquisition, Pen Thoughts

Kaweco Sport Cognac

Ah, these little pocket pens. Sure, you end up inking them more frequently than full-sized pens but what the heck. They’re cute. I got this from Stationer Extraordinaire as a birthday gift to myself last September. I also ordered a bottle of Akkerman Hopjesbruin a few weeks after, without realizing that they’re the perfect pair in terms of color.

The package arrived earlier this week, it was carefully packed and included a really nice note. I always appreciate efforts like this, it adds a very personal touch to the service.

Kaweco Sport Cognac

The pen comes in a tin box, with a blue cartridge and 5 brown cartridges. It also included the clip.

Kaweco Sport Cognac

Since I also got the Akkerman ink on the same day, I decided to use that to try out the pen. Isn’t the pairing perfect? I think it is. 🙂 The ink flows really well with this pen, and it worked right out of the box. No baby bottom to smooth out this time, which is a relief.

Kaweco Sport Cognac

I loved the ink so much that I turned this pen into an eyedropper afterwards. I’m gonna have it in rotation for a while. 🙂 These pocket pens are just so cute. I’m gonna need another mini leather slip soon.

Kaweco Sport Cognac

4 thoughts on “Kaweco Sport Cognac”

    1. Hello! Sorry, I’m not selling mine. Are you based in the Philippines? If yes, you can join Fountain Pen Palengke in Facebook and look for sellers there. You can also check with Stationer Extraordinaire if they can order it for you.


      1. Ah, thank you. I am in US. Tried Philippines FB group already. Will try Stationer next. Thank you.


      2. aww. Stationer Extraordinaire is also Philippine-based. i suppose Goulet doesn’t carry this one. I’ll keep an eye out and will let you know if I see it on sale state side.


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